Windows 11 – Bluetooth devices in power mode

If you have any problems with your Bluetooth Keyboard or mouse: try to change the behavior in power mode:

Go to Control Panel / Hardware and Sound / Devices and Printers
Go to Your Keyboard

I’ve found some hints here, but they’re only partially useful:

Python – reading Outlook mails



In this project you’ll find a sample how to read items from Outlook, select some of them and save attachments to a directory. The filenames of the attachments are changed: there will be a receivement date added as a prefix to the filename

import win32com.client
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.

def extract_attachments(mailbox, restrictMessage, outputDir):
    # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
    print(f'Mailbox: {mailbox}')  # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint.
    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch('outlook.application')
    mapi = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

    for root in mapi.Folders:
          if (mailbox in root.FolderPath):
             print ("FolderPath: " + root.FolderPath)
             for folder in root.Folders:
                 print("folder: " + folder.FolderPath)
                 messages = folder.Items
                 restrictedMessages = messages.Restrict(restrictMessage)
                 for message in list(restrictedMessages):
                    received = str(message.ReceivedTime)
                    print (message.SenderEmailAddress)
                    print (received[0:10])
                    receivedString = received[0:10] + "_"
                    for attachment in message.Attachments:
                       attachment.SaveASFile(os.path.join(outputDir, receivedString + attachment.FileName))
                       print(f"attachment {receivedString +  attachment.FileName}  saved")


# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    outputDir = r"f:\swissedu_attachments"
    extract_attachments('', "[SenderEmailAddress] = ''", outputDir)

# See PyCharm help at

Python – read Word documents


In this Python script you’ll find a sample how to traverse a directory with subdirectories, select Word document, extract the texts and make a new document file. At the end 2 summaries will be added: one with all the words and frequencies and another with the frequencies and words.

Sample “frequency / word”

37 we
38 about
38 from
38 this
39 B
39 C
39 D
39 make
39 very
40 been
40 do
41 use
43 can
43 so
49 He
49 an
50 money

# This is a sample Python script.
from docx2python import docx2python
from collections import Counter

import os
import pandas as pd

# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.

def extract_words(filename, outputFile):
    doc_result = docx2python(filename).text

    # extract words in a table
    res = doc_result.split()
    return res
def print_tallied(sorted_tallied, outputFile, title):
    ii = 0
    for item in sorted_tallied:
        if (item[1]>0):
           if (item[0].isalpha()):
              print(str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]))
              outputFile.write(str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]) + "\n")
              ii = ii + 1
    print("total: " + str(ii))

    outputFile.write("total: " + str(ii))

def sort_panda(tallied, outputFile):
    outputFile.write("summary words by frequency")

    ii = 0
    wordTab = []
    countTab = []

    for item in tallied:
        if (item[1] > 0):
            if (item[0].isalpha()):
                print(str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]))
                ii = ii + 1
    data = {'Count': countTab, 'Word': wordTab}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Count', 'Word'])
    df.sort_values(by=['Count','Word'], inplace=True)
    for oneValue in df.values:
        print(str(oneValue[0]) + " " + oneValue[1])
        outputFile.write(str(oneValue[0]) + " " + oneValue[1] + "\n")

def word_document_reader(inputDir, outputFile):
    # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
    print(f'Hi, {inputDir}')  # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint.
    import os

    total_res = []
    for path, currentDirectory, files in os.walk(inputDir):
        for file in files:
            filename = os.path.join(path, file)
            if ("doc" in filename):
                total_res = total_res + extract_words(filename, outputFile)
    tallied = Counter(total_res)
    sorted_tallied = sorted(tallied.items())
    print_tallied(sorted_tallied, outputFile, "summary of words")

# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    inputDir = r"f:\swissedu_attachments"
    outputFile = open(r"f:\swissedu.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")

    word_document_reader(inputDir, outputFile)


# See PyCharm help at

WordPress – Webshop with Ninja Forms and NF Views

If you want to have a flexible Webshop where the shop owner can add easily products / payments: then read this post!

I’ll explain two different kind of solutions. The first solution uses Ninja Forms and NF Views, the second solution uses Envira Galleries and Stripe.

Some background information

I was looking for a possibility to use the integrated WordPress database as a data store and I came up with the following idea. I use Ninja Forms as a form builder. Ninja Forms stores all the submitted data in the WordPress database and you can view it in “submissions”: quite comfortable for a start.
But: I wanted more! I thought: wouldn’t it be possible to use this “submission” data store and build on top of it: first, some data views, later maybe reports as well.
I was looking for plugins that could possible help me to solve this problem, and then I found “nf views”, It’s a very nice solution, the drawback could be the price (if you want to have the complete solution with the possibilty to edit the data as well, it will cost you around 200 USD on a yearly base) But: it saves you a lot of time, so, finally I leased this plugin and so far I’m very happy with the plugin. You always have to consider, even as a private programmer, what is cheaper in the end: make or buy. Buying can save you a lot of headaches. And, if you work with WordPress and plugins: you are the owner/data provider: it comes with responsability but also with freedom: you are not dependent on Cloud providers like Microsoft or Amazon. And, if you have a reliable provider like I do (Webland in Switzerland), it makes a lot of fun to build solutions with WordPress.

Webshop with configurable products

In this solution the webowner can easily add or modify products.
You need to be an admin to configure the products.

Products overview
product image
payment with Stripe (VISA / Paypall)

Windowing Techniques for Windows

The most simple way to move windows to the right or left side (or middle):
Windows-Key + Arrow-Key (Left, Right, Up, Down)

If you want to switch the desktop:
Windows-Key + CTL + Arrow-Key

It’s also possible to switch desktop while using the task liste, e.g.:

Windowing techniques for MAC

Copied form Apple support above:

Move a window to one side of the screen: Press and hold the Option key while you move the pointer over the green button 

 in the top-left corner of the window, then choose Move Window to Left Side of Screen or Move Window to Right Side of Screen from the menu that appears. The window fills that half of the screen; the menu bar and Dock remain visible.

Remote Access from Mac to Windows

If you want to access your Windows PC (or Laptop) you can use software from Microsoft (Microsoft remote access). Here are the steps how you can do that.

On the MAC: got to your Appstore, search for “Microsoft remote desktop” and install it (it’s free)

On your Windows system: got to Settings and “enable remote Desktop”

After enabling you can add your Windows system to Microsoft Remote Desktop on your Mac. It’s even possible to work with 2 Monitors. It is very fast!

Remote Access from Windows to Mac and vice versa

The easiest way to realize a remote access from your Windows PC (or even a Tablet) to your Mac offers

It is an affordable solution: $19 a year. If you already subscribed Parallels on your Mac, you’ll get this in your package (Parallels, Parallel Tools, Parallel access)

It works like this: you’ll have to install additional software on your Mac to make this happen.
If you want to access your Windows PC from your Mac: there’s also additional software for Windows.

It works with your Parallels account: so it should also work when you’re not at home (I’ve not tested this option)

After logging in with your parallels account, you can simply start the connection

After you’re logged in you can use your Mac on your Windows PC

It’s even possible to work in full screen mode.

TI-84 Python development sample

Preparation (optional)

Get sample code from GITHUB here

Open Pycharm (or another editor) and create a project from the GITHUB link
Tip: close all projects first

There are 2 files for the mastermind project: MASTR002.PY and test\
The one in test\ is used for unit tests

Install the emulator software, see howto here

Deploying a .py file on the TI-emulator

Start the TI-Smartview emulator

Get the contents

Now you can copy the file MASTR002.PY to the emulator with drag and drop:

You’ll get the following dialog box:

Now the MASTR002.PY is listed and ready to run

Now you can run MASTR002 on the TI-emulator

To run the program, click on Y=

Now you can play the game as long as you want!

After ending the game you can click 2nd quit

and then GRAPH (red below)

TI-84 programming Python – Mastermind

In this project you’ll learn how to adapt source-code to TI-84.
I’ve used this code as a base: Mastermind

The game
If you want to play the game you have to know the rules of Mastermind.
There are 6 colors, each of them have a different number:
1 – RED, 2 – GREEN, 3 – YELLOW, 4 – BLUE, 5 – BLACK, 6 – ORANGE
Example: RED YELLOW ORANGE BLACK —> 1 3 6 5

After entering your code (for instance 1 1 2 2) you’ll get back feedback with two characters:
R – color and position is OK
W – only the color is OK

The source code

I’ve checked the sample program in in Github, file I’ve made several commits with comments to make it easier for you to follow the steps.

There were several challenges to solve.
The “random” functionality of the TI-84 lacks a function “shuffle”, so I had to rewrite the code like this:

Original code:
passcode = colors[:4]
Changed code:
col1 = random.randrange(1, 6)
col2 = random.randrange(1, 6)
col3 = random.randrange(1, 6)
col4 = random.randrange(1, 6)
# passcode = colors[:4]
passcode = []

You see, quite a change! In the first part (col1..col4) the variables are filled with a random number between 1 and 6. In the second part, the table passcode is filled with the generated codes (col1..col4)

Then, there was this problem with the display: the display of the TI-84 is quite small.
So, I’ve defined a variable called dottedline and initialized it with a much smaller value.

print("\t      MASTERMIND")

print(" MASTERMIND")


While testing the script I discovered that the setting of the guess_flags was not always correct.
Steps to improve it:
Take the original code and make a function out of it:

# Function to set the guess_flags
def setGuessflags(guess_flags, turn, code, colors_map, passcode):
    dummy_passcode = [x for x in passcode]
    pos = 0
    for x in code:
        if colors_map[x] in dummy_passcode:
            if code.index(x) == passcode.index(colors_map[x]):
                guess_flags[turn][pos] = 'R'
                guess_flags[turn][pos] = 'W'
            pos += 1
    return guess_flags

Test the function “setGuessflags” to see if it works like before.
Afterward: implement a simpler version of setGuessflags

Build unit tests first, check Stackoverflow how to do that:

import unittest
from MASTR002 import setGuessflags

class Mastr002TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_setGuessflagsRed(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['1', '6', '2', '5'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags,turn,guess_codes,passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['R', 'R', 'R', 'R'], newguessflags[1])

    def test_setGuessflagsRedWhite(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['1', '6', '5', '2'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags,turn,guess_codes,passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['R', 'R', 'W', 'W'], newguessflags[1])

    def test_setGuessflagsNone(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['2', '2', '3', '3'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags,turn,guess_codes,passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['W', '-', '-', '-'], newguessflags[1])

    def test_setGuessflagsSimulation2262(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['1', '1', '2', '2'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags,turn,guess_codes,passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['-', '-', 'W', 'W'], newguessflags[1])

    def test_setGuessflagsSimulation4464(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        turn = 1
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['4', '4', '4', '4'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags, turn, guess_codes, passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['R', 'R', 'W', '-'], newguessflags[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

After successful unit tests the code looks like this:

# Function to set the guess_flags
def setGuessflags(guess_flags, turn, code, passcode):
    ii = 0
    for x in code:
        if (ii==turn):
           for codeitem in x:
               for passcodeitem in passcode:
                   # check if passworditem is already processed
                   toprocess = True
                   for pitem in passcodeItemChecked:
                       if pitem == pp:
                           toprocess = False
                   if toprocess == True:
                      if (str(codeitem)==str(passcodeitem)):
                         if cc==pp:
                            guess_flags[turn][cc] = 'R'
                            guess_flags[turn][cc] = 'W'
                   pp +=1
               cc +=1
        ii +=1

    return guess_flags

Fine Tuning

After further testing I’ve discovered another smaller problem: I’ve forgotten to prioritize:
The most important are the RED colors (code and position).

So, I’ve added another Unittest (test first!):

    def test_setGuessflagsSimulation4464(self):
        chances = 8
        passcode = []
        turn = 1
        guess_flags = [['-', '-', '-', '-'] for x in range(chances)]
        guess_codes = [['4', '4', '4', '4'] for x in range(chances)]
        newguessflags = setGuessflags(guess_flags, turn, guess_codes, passcode)
        self.assertEqual(['R', 'R', '-', 'R'], newguessflags[1])

And changed (and tested) the method “setGuessflags”:

def setGuessflags(guess_flags, turn, code, passcode):
    ii = 0
    # check code and position
    for x in code:
        if (ii==turn):
           for codeitem in x:
               # check code and position
               for passcodeitem in passcode:
                   # check if passworditem is already processed
                   toprocess = True
                   for pitem in passcodeItemChecked:
                       if pitem == pp:
                           toprocess = False
                   if toprocess == True:
                      if (str(codeitem)==str(passcodeitem)):
                         if cc==pp:
                            guess_flags[turn][cc] = 'R'
                   pp +=1
               cc +=1
        ii += 1
    ii = 0
    # check code independent of position
    for x in code:
        if (ii == turn):
           cc = 0
           for codeitem in x:
               pp = 0
               # check code
               for passcodeitem in passcode:
                   # check if passworditem is already processed
                   toprocess = True
                   for pitem in passcodeItemChecked:
                       if pitem == pp:
                           toprocess = False
                   if toprocess == True:
                       if (str(codeitem) == str(passcodeitem)):
                           if cc == pp:
                               guess_flags[turn][cc] = 'R'
                               guess_flags[turn][cc] = 'W'
                   pp += 1
               cc +=1
        ii +=1
    return guess_flags

Next challenges
Try to define more functions in the source code MASTR002 and test it with Unit-Tests

Try to implement Mastermind in another language like react.
You can see a sample here: