ChatGPT Client – User manual

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What it is

With this client you can communicate with the OpenAI Chatbot.
Chat GPT is a very advanced chatbot, becoming very popular since the release in November 2022.
If needed, you can get some help to ask for summaries and translations.

How to work with the Chatbot Client

Here is what you have to do:
Open a browser of your choice and open this URL:

Entry screen:

On the first screen you can already work: it’s quite simple: enter your question in the text field and click on “Ask me anything”. As an example I’ll ask:
“Tell me all about Chat GPT and it’s company”
I got this answer:

“Chat GPT is a fully automated conversational AI platform company that enables digital enterprises to automate and manage their conversations with customers.

Chat GPT provides digital platforms with an AI enabler that enable businesses to improve customer engagement and enable better customer service across multiple channels, such as SMS, web, in-app, and other touchpoints.

The platform utilizes a conversation automation system, which works with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to support businesses in deploying automated conversations.

The platform is capable of learning from customer conversations and analyzing the data to identify customer preferences, interests, and provide them with personalized experiences. The platform helps drive automated dialogues and provide insights into customer engagement.

Chat GPT also provides customers with a comprehensive set of tools and services designed to optimize their customer experience as they build an AI-driven digital customer engagement. These services include automatic customer segmentation, AI-Powered analytics, performance optimization, automated customer support, and many more.

Chat GPT was founded in December 2019 and is a venture-backed tech startup with offices in two locations: San Francisco and New York.”

Amazing, isn’t it? If you want to know more about the company:
and if you want to chat with the GUI they offer (you have to register):

Customized versions of the Client Chatbot in English, German, Spanish and Dutch

Sometimes it’s helpful to have some samples if you want repeating tasks like translations, corrections or summaries.
That’s why I’ve made some special clients for German, English, Dutch and Spanish.
Here is an example for the English option:

I’ve asked for a translation in German, this is what I get:

“Chat GPT ist ein vollautomatisiertes plattformbasiertes Unternehmen für Konversations-KI, das digitalen Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Konversationen mit Kunden zu automatisieren und zu verwalten. Das Platform bietet digitalen Plattformen einen KI-Enabler, mit dem Unternehmen die Kundenbetreuung verbessern und einen besseren Kundendienst über mehrere Kanäle wie SMS, Web, In-App und andere Kontaktpunkte bieten können. Die Plattform nutzt ein Konversationsautomatisierungssystem, das mit Natural Language Processing (NLP) und Machine Learning (ML) arbeitet, um Unternehmen bei der Implementierung automatisierter Konversationen zu unterstützen. Die Plattform ist in der Lage, von Kundenkonversationen zu lernen und die Daten zu analysieren, um Kundenpräferenzen, Interessen zu erkennen und ihnen personalisierte Erfahrungen zu bieten. Des Weiteren hilft die Plattform beim Automatisieren von Dialogen und beim Erhalten von Einblicken in den Kundenengagement. Chat GPT bietet Kunden auch einen umfassenden Satz an Tools und Dienstleistungen, die dazu dienen, die Kundenerfahrung zu optimieren, während sie ein KI-getriebenes digitales Kundenengagement aufbauen. Diese Dienste beinhalten automatische Kundensegmentierung, KI-gestützte Analytics, Leistungsoptimierung, automatisierter Kundendienst und vieles mehr. Chat GPT wurde im Dezember 2019 gegründet und ist ein venture backed Tech-Startup mit Büros an zwei Standorten: San Francisco….”

You see that the translation is very good, but in this case not complete (I can extent it if there is a need for it).
Have fun! If you have any questions: leave a comment and I will respond.


For those of you who want to program with the API:

NAS for free with Linux Mint

Use case: You’re retired and want/need a NAS so badly! You don’t have 300 CHF to invest, e.g.

when you google “which NAS to buy” you’ll get:

For all of you that are looking for an affordable NAS (Network Attached Storage): you can have it for free!
Here are the steps you have to take:

  • Linux (Mint) installed on a PC (I used an eight year old IMac)
  • Install SAMBA Server on Linux
  • Use Samba Client on Windows
  • Use Samba Client on Mac
  • Optional: Install Samba Client on Linux

To install SAMBA Server on Linux:
TIP: Instead of using VIM as an editor you could use nano (especially for Window- and Mac users easier to understand)

After finishing your installation on Linux you’ll have created a folder “/home/share/userid” where userid is your user id, e.g.:

To use the NAS order on Windows:
In File Explorer use “Map Network Drive”, e.g.

And you’re done!
Depending on your Network hardware you can have a performance of around 100 MB/sec.

To use the NAS order on a Mac:

Open Finder
Go To /Gehe zu
Connect with Server/Mit Server verbinden

Then, depending on your server, use this command


Now you can use the folder and add it to favourites for the next time you log in.

Turn your Mac into a Linux workstation

Well, you’ve got an older Mac (IMac or Macbook) that’s getting slower and slower. And: it’s already old (7 years or more). You’ll notice that your MacOs is not supported as it used to be. At the end it’s a real bore to work with your Mac. Now, you can do 2 things: if money isn’t a problem: you can buy a new one. But, if money IS a problem: why don’t you recycle it in a Linux working station? It’s definitely worth the price, it only cost you some time.
The process is rather simple:

  • create a USB stick with a Linux distribution (in my case I used Ubuntu 22.x)
  • Stick the USB in your Mac, start it with ALT Power on and install it

To Create a USB stick with a Linux System:

Download a Linux ISO file and put it on the USB Stick with balena etcher (Search for Ubuntu download)

After the installation you’ll have a full functioning linux system FOR FREE! It supports even printing, scanning, watching movies, you’ll be suprised!

After this initial installation you want to have some comfortable menus.
Go to “Ubuntu Software” and look for “alacarte” or “Main Menu” and install it

You can find it now in your installed programs (English main menu, German Hauptmenü) and you can use it

Now you want it to be accessible directly on your desktop like this:

Go to “Ubuntu Software” again and install
“Extension Manager” (In German “Erweiterungs Manager”)
Run it and Install “Applications Menu”

After the activation you’ll see the applications (In German “Anwendungen”) in the left corner on your screen

With “Main Menu/ Hauptmenü” you can see all the programs that are accesible. You can add new menus/items-

How to improve the visibility and Accessibility

Especially if you have an Imac 27 it can be important to improve the accessibilty.
My recommendation/experience: activate High Contrast and Large Text, and make the Icons slightly bigger.

How to add Jetbrains programs

It is easily possible to add Jetbrains programs to the Linux system, here you can:
create command-line launcher
create desktop entry

In all Jetbrains programs there is a menu item “tools”.

How to add a printer

Normally you won’t have a problem to add a printer. But if you need to install a special printer like “Canon Pro” you have to install special software (printer driver) for Linux. I recommend TurboPrint

You can test it for 30 days.

And: it’s even possible to use Lightroom!
Use and login. It works nicely.

OCR – Optical Character Recognition

We all have this problem once in a while: there is a German document (in PDF or as an image) and we have to translate it in English (or Chinese if you like). Of course we use Google Translate! But how do we manage to get our text out of the PDF? There are some solutions: you could buy a program for that (Master PDF is very good), or, again, you can have it for free! All you have to do is to install 2 packages:
“Tesseract OCR” and “OCR Feeder”. Tip: Install the complete Tesseract OCR with all languages.
“OCR Feeder” is easy to understand (don’t use gImageReader: hard to understand)
You can use OCR Feeder and scan your document directly, after the scanning is complete you can do the recognition: Document->Recognize document

The text will appear like this:

If you need more detailed information:

Install PHP environment

Install Apache

GRUB Boot manager

How to edit:


More details: